How we met:
Long story short, we met on Match.com. Robert winked at Susanne. Susanne winked back. However, Robert was not currently paying to use their services, so he found Susanne on MySpace. He sent her a message saying something along these lines, "Hello there... I wanted to talk to you, but didn't want to pay, so hopefully me finding you on here is resourceful, not stalkeresque." Susanne was not scared away and the rest is history!

The Proposal, Susanne's side:
Robert took me to Europe for my birthday (best birthday present ever!). He flew there a few days before me with his brother Kenneth and met me at the airport in Amsterdam. Then we took a train to Paris & checked into our hotel. I was jetlagged from taking a red-eye so I wanted to lay down for 30 minutes before beginning our sightseeing. I kept trying to put my arm around Robert to cuddle since I hadn't seen him in days and he kept pushing my arm away. I was too tired to ask why he didn't want me to put my arm around him. Little did I know, the ring box was in his pocket!
One of our first stops was at the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur. We decided to take the seemingly neverending spiral staircase to the dome to get a fantastic view of Paris. At one point, we came to a door that led us to a balcony that was about two thirds of the way up with a beautiful view. I took a few photos, looked around and took in the beautiful architecture that makes up the romantic city of Paris. I walked to the next door to get to the top of the dome and when I turned back to make sure Robert was ready to go, he was looking back in the door we had just come out of. I thought he was going the wrong way, but he was checking to make sure no one was going to interrupt what came next... the proposal!
Next thing I know, he's down on one knee, PROPOSING!! It's a bit of a blur, but I think what came out of my mouth next went something like this: (First) What?! (Then...) Are you kidding me?! (And finally) YES!!!! :)It was a complete surprise, even though some people thought I should've known it was coming, seeing as we were in Paris, but Robert had always told me he didn't want to get engaged for a couple more years. He keeps me on my feet (or maybe tiptoes since he's so tall, hehe.) That's one reason I love him with all of my heart and always will.

The Proposal, Robert's side:
Visiting Europe was a dream of mine that kept getting closer and closer the older I got. Finally, in 2010 I had the means and the time to plan out a grand trip and I was sure going to take some people with me. So, I planned a trip for my brother Kenneth and my beautiful girlfriend Susanne. Around that same time in life I decided that I loved Susanne more than I thought possible. I knew I wanted to be with her the rest of my life and I started to make plans for the proposal. At first, I wanted to do something in Atlanta. Susanne had mentioned before that a surprise proposal in front of her friends would be fun, but after some thought I decided a proposal in Paris was just too good to pass up.
A few months later I was walking around the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur in Paris looking for the right spot to propose. A friend who was familiar with Paris told me that would be the perfect spot and when I saw it, I knew he was right. I decided against proposing inside the basilique, and the front steps were just too crowded for me. We saw some stairs up to the dome atop the building and I knew that would be the right place. We climbed more stairs than a savant could count and found a small exterior where I decided to propose my love and life.